Upwind Foundation acknowledges the generous contributions of the San Francisco Bay Area aviation community and others who have given to the program. We heartily thank them.

If you prefer not to use the Donate button to the right of the page, the 2017 donation form can be downloaded here.

Class Alpha ($1000+)

Audrey Allexandre
George Belden (Signature Roofing)
Barbara Beebe
Lester Boeh
Brian Branscomb
Oliver Coolidge
Dan Dyer
Nello Franco
Alyce Gershenson & Michael Lloyd
Kyle Harmon
Georgene Patten
Herb Patten
Babak Rasolzadeh
Lee Ritchey
Kirk Syme
John Zasio

Class Bravo ($500+)

Amanda Chan
Daniel Roman
Andrew Seligson
Philip Walch
Zanette Aviation

Class Charlie ($250+)

Barbara Beebe
Evan Isenstein
Gisele Lennox & Tim Karpishin
Bob Leuten
Stan Seal
Christopher Tocher
Michel Vidal-Naquet
Gregory Wrenn & Robert Pyburn

Class Delta

Michael Bray
Michael Chang
Beth Kirkpatrick
Wyatt Cote
Matt Debski
Konrad & Christina Habelt
Steve Henry
Dave Kramer
Patrick Lei
Jeff Pacini
Nina Shulman
Jim & Lyn Sinko