Upwind Summer Scholarship Program Overview – Airplane

Our Goal

Encourage interest in aviation for high school aged students by awarding scholarships that provide ground and flight training. The scholarship funds the ground and flight training to become a Private Pilot during the summer between their junior and senior year.


  1. Promote piloting and general aviation.

  2. Cultivate interest in aviation as a career

Candidate Requirements

Scholarship Candidates must:

  • Be a US citizen or legal resident

  • Be a high school student, at least 17 years of age at the time of the checkride (late August)

  • Have no criminal record prior to or during the program

  • Maintain good grades and academic standing throughout the period

  • Attend ground school classes

  • Be of good health to obtain a third class medical certificate

  • Participate in Upwind activities

  • Author short stories detailing progress throughout the program

  • Participate in the selection and mentoring of the next year’s candidate

Outline of Program

The scholarship covers the cost of the program. This includes:

  • Ground school instruction with all necessary materials, books, charts, and basic flight planning tools

  • The FAA written knowledge test

  • An FAA third class medical examination

  • Flight instruction with certified instructors

  • Mentoring and guidance from other instructors and pilots

  • Phase checks at appropriate training milestones

  • Check ride with FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE)

How to Apply

To download the application, please visit the Applications section of this website and follow the submission instructions.